ann angel education

Secondary Schools
Sessions can be designed with your school’s needs in mind. They can be tailored to fit not only your R.E. and wider curriculum but also to integrate with half termly themes, seasonal activities and of course the time frame available.
GCSE and ‘A’ Level programmes are available to cover different curricula.
The interpretative aspects of topics can be explored as appropriate to the age of students, taking in debates around a variety of orthodox and progressive understandings of belief and observance
Topics include those listed below, which can be combined. If there is a subject you would like cover that does not appear on the above list please just ask!
The Jewish Sabbath
Synagogues and Jewish Community
Torah and Talmud: an insight into Jewish literature and law
The Diversity of Contemporary Jewish Life
Jewish Values and Ethics
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur: Looking in the Mirror, a time for reflection
Sukkot and Social Responsibility
Chanukah: Freedom and Hope
Purim: Responses to Racism
Pesach ( Passover) : Slavery and Freedom
Rites of passage and Jewish family life:
Birth and the ceremonies around it
Bar/Bat Mitzvah: The year I turned 13 (especially apt for years 7-8)
Marriage and Divorce: Jewish weddings
Funerals and Mourning

Assemblies available as a stand alone unit or as part of a package. These can be directed to the whole school or particular year groups on a variety of topical themes.