ann angel education

Primary Schools
Sessions will be designed with your school’s needs in mind. They can be tailored to fit not only your R.E. and wider curriculum but also to integrate with half termly themes, seasonal activities and of course the time frame available.
Topics include those listed below, which can be combined. If there is a subject you would like to cover that does not appear on the list please just ask!
Shabbat Shalom
Synagogues and Jewish Community
Taste of Torah
A Year of Festivals:
You may choose to focus on one or a combination of these. It is preferable to teach them close to the season when they are observed, but the choice is yours.
Rosh HaShanah, Jewish New Year (September-October)
Yom Kippur: the Day of Atonement (September-October)
Sukkot: harvest, joy and responsibility (September-October)
Chanukah: a festival of light (November- December)
Tu B’Shvat: New Year for trees (February –Mach)
Purim: the story of Esther (March)
Pesach: Passover (March-April)

"I really enjoyed the lesson, I liked making the shelters because I never knew they did that and, I liked trying the different fruits. I learnt a lot about Judaism that I never knew. I loved listening about the Lulav."
Beth from Woodheys School, Timperley, Cheshire
Assemblies available as a stand alone unit or as part of a package. These can be directed to the whole school or particular year groups on a variety of topical themes.